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Current themes

Here you can read about three current themes within higher education. We have gathered information, guidance, and reading tips to facilitate for those of you teaching at Lund University. Generative AI toolsGenerative AI tools are increasingly used in studies and teaching, which presents new challenges for teachers and staff at Lund University. On these pages, you will find information and guidance - 2025-03-05

Sharing Economy Business Models for Sustainability

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS The sharing economy is not sustainable by default – search for images of bikesharing graveyards. But, with careful design of the business models that facilitate access over ownership, the sharing economy can increase intensity of use and material efficiency, contributing to sustainable consumption. In this episode, co-host Steven Curtis shares with us his research o - 2025-03-05

Coping with Climate Anxiety

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Anxiety is a natural emotional response to stress, fear, or danger. Then, it is no wonder why some are experiencing anxiety in the face of the climate crisis. Although not a clinical diagnosis, climate anxiety – and related terms like eco-anxiety, ecological grief, and solastalgia – describes the distress, grief, or anger caused by environmental destruction occurrin - 2025-03-05

IIIEE Commissioned Education

Education for professionals The IIIEE works with professional education in order to support transitions to climate-neutral and resource-efficient economies for companies and public authorities through increasing the impact of the IIIEE’s knowledge and research outputs. IIIEE’s commissioned education work builds on the IIIEE’s long-term commitment to collaboration with societal partners and to life - 2025-03-05

Degrowth - challenging infinite growth in a finite world

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Degrowth is a critique of infinite economic growth, recognising continued consumption of scarce resources will inevitably result in exhausting them completely. In this episode, we present the challenges of living within an economic system governed by infinite growth on a planet with finite resources. We discuss key vocabulary to understand degrowth, and its three go - 2025-03-05


The IIIEE is located in the historic center of Lund, just a few steps from the ancient Lund Cathedral, once the seat of the Archbischop of Scandinavia. Lund is surrounded by the beautiful countryside and it is only 30 minutes by train from the Copenhagen International Airport. The spirit of a vibrant university town and the economic and cultural dynamism of the cross-border Öresund region that con - 2025-03-05

New to the library?

*Access to the library          IIIEE students and researchers have access to the library outside its regular opening hours. Use your LU card to enter the library. Simply place your LU card on the door’s card reader until you hear the “click” sound. (Don’t forget to charge your LU card daily in order to get access to various part of the building, including the library). There is a LU card charger - 2025-03-05

Book a librarian

A one-on-one appointment (for IIIEE students and researchers ) A one-on-one appointment with a librarian can help you with search queries, choosing relevant databases, the correct use and format of references in the APA style and successfully navigating the many resources of Lund University faculty libraries. The appointment slot is 60 minute long. To book a time with a librarian, send an email to - 2025-03-05

Access to the library

*Access to the library          IIIEE students and researchers have access to the library outside its regular opening hours. Use your LU card to enter the library. Simply place your LU card on the door’s card reader until you hear the “click” sound. (Don’t forget to charge your LU card daily in order to get access to various part of the building, including the library). There is a LU card charger - 2025-03-05

Borrowing materials 

Borrowing materials  You can borrow library materials even when a librarian is not on site. A book registration form can be found by the library’s entrance. Write down your name, today's date and the bar code(s) of the book(s) you are borrowing. You can then drop the paper note in the registration box. The materials will be registered in your library account by the librarian on the next working da - 2025-03-05

Returning materials

Returning materials When there is no librarian on site you can return your books in the book drop outside the library. The materials will be processed and registered back into the system the next working day. Books that belong to any other Lund university faculty library can also be returned at the IIIEE library. Books that belong to the city library cannot returned and processed at the IIIEE libr - 2025-03-05

Reference materials

Reference materials Books with a red sticker on that reads “ref” cannot be home borrowed. You can read them at the library or elsewhere in the building and should be returned back to the library once you are done. You can put them back on the shelf you took them from, return them in the drop box or place them in the library’s book trolley. - 2025-03-05


Reservations You can request books from other Lund University libraries for you to pick up at the IIIEE library. Simply change the pickup location to IIIEE. You will be notified via email when you can pick up your reservations at the IIIEE library. Do not forget to fill in the registration form. All reserved materials are placed to the left of the registration box. Course books cannot be requested - 2025-03-05

Display case

Display caseThe display case in the lobby contains the latest theses published by the institute’s phD students. Lift up the front panel of the display case and grab a copy if the work is of interest to you. Full access at: can also find information of a general character in connection to the institute's goals, programmes&courses, - 2025-03-05

Renewable Energy Adoption: Is current growth enough to meet future climate targets?

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Every year, the world adds more renewable energy production capacity than the year before. But, looking historically, is this growth enough to achieve our climate targets? According to a recent publication in ‘Nature Energy’, the short answer is “no” – to meet the climate goals requires decades of growth in renewables at rates higher than those observed historically - 2025-03-05

Exploring the role of AI in sustainability

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Artificial intelligence - AI -  is being applied throughout society to a wide array of sustainability-related challenges, where it can help to effectivize and optimize systems to save both energy and resources. AI can also be used to analyse enormous amounts of data, faster than any human ever could. However, AI is very energy demanding, and comes with ethical conce - 2025-03-05